Wednesday, January 6, 2010

christmas wrap up...

christmas eve..mia not feeling so good..

santa stopped by...

mia's bitty baby..

one of our fav moments...we were letting the kids pick thru stockings, etc.. brix hopped on his scooter to take it for a spin and came across THIS..."the red rider bb gun" of this christmas..his 4WHEELER! ..he took a double take & almost literally hopped from the scooter to the 4wheeler!

ROUND 2...papaloo, cristin, & chance..

papaloo teaching mia the 'in & outs' of her camera

brix looks a lil too anxious to get his hands on this one..

best 'mia' moment..her most declared request was a "big bike with no training wheels" all the santa gifts get opened & no bike..all papaloo gifts get bike.. so as we're sitting around enjoying the lull of the aftershock, papaloo asks mia if theres anything she wanted & didn't get? "bike w/no training wheels" so as he walks toward the door, he tells her 'ya know, sometimes things might fall off santas sleigh' and sure enough would you believe, leaned up against our house was a box..and can you guess what was inside?

ROUND 3...mississippi...

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